Monthly Insta Update *June*

Happy HumpDay, Lovies!! 

I know it’s almost the middle of July (julyin’), but better late than never! 

Unless you live under a rock, you know by now, yours truly moved to Amsterdam. I also know I promised to go back to regular posting but June simply didn’t allow me! 

Between apartment hunts and hotel switches, I managed to celebrate my 27th birthday with my s/o. You can check my previous post for details. 

I’m happy to announce we finally found an apartment!! I’m absolutely in love with our sunny one bedroom in the heart of Westerpark (google it), and now I’m all about furnishing and decorating. 

Most of our free time has been dedicated to exploring the city, finding new favorite spots and the little gems, well hidden from the tourists. 

I also attended the Cannabis Liberation Day in Flevopark. It turned out to be a whole bunch of people, tripping on shrooms but it was funny to watch and the live music was awesome! 

Our next agenda is to get our kitties over here (my parents are currently cat sitting). I manage to deal with my cuddle withdrawals thanks to the local kitties, who are incredibly sweet and always come to me. 

I’m NOT going to promise you to get back to regular posting because it seems like every time I do, life gets me busy! I hope your month was as exciting as mine and everyone is enjoying the summer! If you are tired of my sporadic posts, follow me on instagram and Snapchat (@SilviaMelange) for daily updates on my adventures. 
Love, Silvia Mèlange 

The Moving Process

Happy Sunday-funday, Lovies!! 
If you don’t follow me on social media (@SilviaMelange), you must think I really suck and I can’t blame you. I’ve been hyping you up for months with this big secret; All I ended up saying was “I moved to Amsterdam” and then I just fell off the face of WordPress! I’m taking the time today to explain myself and to update you on what’s been going on with me. 
I don’t know if you guys ever had to pack up and move to another country. I literally had 2 weeeks to get through everything I own and make the decision what stays and what goes! I had to do this once before, when I moved back home from the US and I had forgotten how cleansing the process is. I also realized how much “junk” I have accumulated in the 3 years I was back home. From cute outfits I no longer wear to things I question my sanity about buying- the struggle was real! A lot of us swear by the “if you haven’t worn it in a year- toss it” golden rule but do we actually follow it?! I know I don’t, so this time I applied a different philosophy: 

    If it doesn’t make you happy-toss it!

It’s going to be a month since I moved tomorrow- I don’t miss or regret any of the items I threw or gave away. I advise you to try this clutter fighting technique even if you are not moving anywhere. 

Finishing up work projects and canceling all sorts of subscriptions and contracts took most of my time. I didn’t really have anything to blog about and I’d rather present you with inconsistent but quality content than pile you with 3 automated crappy posts per day like some ppl do. 

Then there was the emotional part: 

My family is used to my wandering nature by now. However, knowing I live in the same city and for the most part I’m a phone call away has been a nice change for my parents, regardless of my countless business and private trips and after 5 years of me living in the US. Between running errands I was focused on spending time with my family and going to countless gatherings organized by relatives and friends, related to my move. Where I’m from, when you move away (and every time you visit afterwards), you are almost obligated to go to every gathering your family and close relatives organize in your honor, to see you and spend time with you before you move to a new country. 

That pretty much sums it up, Lovies. Tune in tomorrow for a “My first month in Amsterdam” post, where I’ll share some adventures and insights. 

Things are slowly falling into place and this city is really stimulating my creativity. I’m hoping I’ll finally be able to get back to regular posting in July! I have so much to share with you, just bear with me! 

Love you all, Silvia Mèlange 

Monthly Insta Update *May* Secret Reveal 

Happy HumpDay Lovies! 
I’m gonna start this post with thanking you all for the amazing birthday wishes; It was a private event this year, just what I needed! 
Now let’s talk about May. Boy, what a month! 
There aren’t too many posts because the major part of the month was spent wrapping up work projects and packing, lost and lots of f#ckin boxes! I swear, if I see one more suitcase, I’m going to cry! 

I did manage to steal two full days, spent by the beach in complete solitude and another two days with no social media at all! You should try it, it’s very good for a mental cleanup, something we all need from time to time. 
Here’s the major news: I moved to Amsterdam!! My s/o and I made this decision a month ago and here we are- living out of a suitcase! At least we have an amazing loft at the Zoku Hotel and they are taking great care of us! 

I’m falling in love with the city more and more each day. It’s the apartment hunt that’s driving me crazy! The real estate market is worse than the one in NYC and that in my book, classifies it as insane! Add “pet friendly” in the equation and jump on the crazy train with me! 

I’ll keep you posted on my adventures as I go. Send some good vibes my way in the mean time! 
With Love, Silvia Mèlange 

Monthly Insta Update *April*

TGIF and Feliz Cinco De Mayo, Lovies! 

I’m fully aware I’m a little late catching you up; On the other hand, my weekly recipes are back and I think I’m doing a little better when it comes to sharing outfits with you. 

The month of April was absolutely amazing to me! Other than Easter celebrations, I managed to visit two very favorite places of mine- Rome and Amsterdam, but more on that later! Here are a few glimpses of last month’s adventures:

It was a truly eventful month for me and I have some amazing news coming your way! This post contains a clue so hit me up in the comments if you crack it! 

Spring is in full bloom and I’m loving it! Changes are coming and I promise, I’ll break the news to you very soon! Be on the lookout for my instagram and Snapchat (@SilviaMelange), that’s where I’ll first reveal the huge secret I’ve been teasing you about since February! It might even happen this month if you are lucky 😉💋

Xo, Silvia Mèlange 

Monthly Insta update *March* 

Happy Sunday, Lovies! 
Women’s month might be over but as the weather is getting warmer, the real fun is just beginning. 

March was an eventful month for me. I’m back on the road for work but I manage my time a bit better and that helps me share more looks with all of you. 

If you follow me on Instagram and snapchat (@SilviaMelange), you know all about Bulgarian Liberation Day and all the celebrations I was involved in. You also know I managed to meet my favorite punk band from my teenage years. ☺️

I mentioned my disappointment in this Spring’s Sofia Fashion Week and I’d like to share an important lesson- even if the party sucks, it matters who you are with! 

I’m also cooking more so I’m happy to share my weekly recipe column will be back in April! I’ve had some time to test a few new tricks and dishes I’ll be sharing shortly, so be on the look out for that. 
March was an amazing month for me and I had lots of fun with all my shananigans! I’m looking forward to April as Easter is right around the corner. A quick trip with my s/o is in the works so stay tuned for that (snapchat is your best bet). 

What are your plans for April? Are you exited for Easter? Feel free to share your favorite tricks and tips for dyeing Easter eggs in the comments below! 
Love, Silvia Mèlange 

Monthly Insta update *February* 

Happy Monday, Lovies! 

I’m late with this month’s update but it’s with a good reason! March is always extra special to me because of the many celebrations happening in the first week of the month but more on that later. 

February was short and cold and you guys know from Instagram and snapchat, I wandered around galleries and streets. 

I had a romantic Valentine’s Day with my s/o and we discovered a new hookah bar we love. 

As the weather gets warmer there’s more and more to share and write about. Already planning my next road trip as well, so stay tuned by following me on snapchat and Instagram (@SilviaMelange) for daily updates. 
Love, Silvia Mèlange

My month in Instagram posts *January*

Happy Thursday, Lovies!

I’ve been so busy at work, I’m not realizing I haven’t even posted on Instagram as much as I usually do!

I did manage to change my hair a little bit and visit an art gallery on a work related event. I can’t share much else at this time, but soon I will reveal what I’m really up to! And it’s good!

In other news, we are six to seven weeks away from Spring and I don’t know about you but I’m ready for this snow to be gone-zo!

As we enter “The month of Love” that’s all I wish for you- Love! Love yourself- that’s the most important Love before any other. Whether you are single or in a relationship, you have reasons to celebrate this month!

With all my Love, Silvia Mèlange

Happy New Year + Insta update 

Happy New Year, Lovies! May your 2017 be filled with health, love and new adventures! 
My December was crazy packed! Between the holiday parties, last minute shopping and cooking, I need a break after the break! I managed to visit every available Christmas market in Germany and a few festivals here in Bulgaria. Christmas Day was reserved for family time and smiles! 

I clocked in the New Year in the hottest spot in town, 12 stories up with a panorama view of the fireworks over the city (that’s why you should follow my snapchat @SilviaMelange). 

Many changes are coming, as 2017 is officially here, so be sure to subscribe to my blog and follow me on social media. 
With Love, Silvia Mèlange 

My month in Instagram updates *November* 

Happy Saturday, Lovies! 

November was a very busy month for me and I only survived looking forward to my Thanksgiving vacation and Black Friday. It’s always good to visit extended family and there’s never enough time for everything but we always make the best with what we got! 

Nothing puts me in a Christmas mood like visiting Germany this time of the year! The atmosphere and street decorations, the food and the shopping! 

How did you spend Thanksgiving? Are you ready for Christmas? What outfits will you be slaying in this holiday season? Let me know in the comments below! Keep an eye out for my new tips and tricks and follow me on Instagram and snapchat (@SilviaMelange), for daily glimpses of my life.

❤️ Silvia Mèlange 

Честита събота, Любовчета! 
Ноември беше изключително зает месец за мен и успях да оцелея, фокусирайки се върху ваканцията и черния петък в края му! Прекрасно е да посещавам семейството на приятеля ми и времето никога не стига за всичко, но винаги намираме начин да компенсираме! 

Нищо не събужда Коледното ми настроение както Германия по това време на годината! Атмосферата по улиците, храната, пазаруването на подаръци за любимите ми хора ❤️

Вие как прекарахте Деня на Благодарността? Какви са новите ви придобивки от черния петък? Готови ли сте за сезона на празненствата? Споделете в коментарите долу. 

Последвайте блога ми, за да получавате мейл за нови постове и ме следвайте в инстаграм и снапчат (@SilviaMelange), за всекидневни постове.

С обич, Силвия Меланж 

My month(s) in Instagram updates *September and October*

Hello Lovies, did you miss me? 

My October was so busy, I didn’t even have time to update you about my September, so I decided to combine both months into one post. 

As you know, my September was all about fashion events and catching up with work. I did my best to enjoy the last warm days, sneaking to the beach for one last day this year since the entire month of September was an Indian summer! 

October was insanely busy at work! I had so much to do, I haven’t even gotten my nails done (long live 60 second nail polishes) ❣️

I had time to celebrate Halloweeen and dressed up for the trick or treaters 🎃👻

I don’t know about you Lovies, but I can’t wait until Thanksgiving at the end of this month! I’ll be doing some more traveling, so stay tuned for that. 

I’m happy to announce we are back to regular posting of outfits, food and adventures! 

Don’t forget to follow me on snapchat and Instagram (@SilviaMelange), for daily updates. 

Enjoy Ugg season, Silvia Mèlange

          Месечен инстаграм ъпдейт        *Септември и Октомври* 

Здравейте, Любовчета, липсвах ли ви?

Октомври беше толкова зает месец, че не успях дори да споделя как е минал септември. За това реших да комбинирам септември и октомври в един пост. 

Както знаете, моят септември беше посветен изцяло на модата с няколко пътувания, наваксване в работата и едно последно бягство до плажа. 

Октомври беше посветен на работа! Добре, че съществуват бързосъхнещите лакове за нокти, защото нямах време дори за истински маникюр! Все пак имах време да се позабавлявам на Хелоуин и да се маскирам за децата! 

Ноември винаги минава бързо в работа, но нямам търпение да дойде края на месеца! Още една кратка ваканция за Деня на Благодарността и разбира се, няколко поста по темата! 

Щастлива съм да споделя, че се връщаме към нормалният ми график на постване с мода, манджи и пътешествия! Не забравяйте да ме последвате в инстаграм и снапчат (@SilviaMelange), за да следите всекидневните ми приключения!

А сега да се насладим на сезона на Ъгс преди да са започнали поледиците! 

С обич, Силвия Мѐланж